Saturday, August 25, 2012

Chapter 28

This is the last chapter for untamed hearts! We want to continue writing but i think this story had come to an end. I hope you enjoyed the story as much as we enjoyed writing it.. yes the ending is bitter sweet, but not everything in life has a happy ending..
Listen to ((summertime sadness)) by Lana Del Ray if you can :* This song truly inspired us to right this post..
We would love to here your feedback for the post ! Mention us or comment on ask ... 
Twitter: @BloggersQ8

Enjoy ❤


2 years later . . .

So i'v been in a comma for almost 2 years , my family visits me everyday..
The thought of 7amany always brought sadness and depression to my heart. I always thought it was my fault. But i learned to move on and let go ..

7amany visted me once..
He is now engaged to shadan.. he said that she changed , and is now mt7ajba
All i can say is allah ywafghum ..

His face never gets erased from my mind..
The memories we shared together are now dug deep in my heart, and locked in a box..
Now he's just a stranger that holds my precious memories..
It was the summer of '12 where it all began, and eventually where it all ended..
I'v learned that mistakes were made for you to learn from them..

I never thought, not in a million years, that one day i'd fall in love, but i did, and i don't regret it..
Regrets haunt you for the rest of your life, so i learned to embrace my past..
Being in a comma for 2 years gives you a lot of time to think and changes you as a person..
I am aware of my surroundings , and  i can hear what everyone says..
I've tried waking up so many times, but i end up failing..

Oh and Jassim ...
well, he never gave up on me..
He visits everyday.. the first week was really tough on him, well tough on everybody..
Jassim is just so sweet , im sad that i didnt give him a chance ..
He truly loved me , i can see that now..
He holds my hands and reminds me everyday how much he loves me ..
I wish he was the one who i fell for, not 7amany. I used to ignore him and make him feel left out. He doesn't deserve it. I wish i could just return to the past and change the way i'v treated him..

My mom, dad, and a7mad never left the hospital ...
My mom tgra 3lay quraan blail while crying her eyes out ..
I just wish i could get up and tell her that im alright.. i miss her hugs <3
Dad brought me all of the best doctors from all around the world.. but none could help me wake up..
Doctors say that waking up is in my power , and when im strong enough i'd wake up..

What i regret most is not appreciating what i had..
Oh what i'd do to open my eyes..
Or walk on the beach..
Or embrace the people that mean the world to me..
Yes, i admit, i took a lot of things for granted..

Mai is married , and is awaiting her first child <3
I'm sad that i wasn't by her side on her wedding day..
She said she'd name her daughter Jude.. allah y7fth'ha..
I hope baby jude has a better life than i did..

I guess you could say that my heart has been tamed for a long time now ..
I never realized all the love i had around me..
I always thought its when i had a lover .. thats when my heart would be tamed..
But, i was wrong..with all the love my family, and friends have for me...i feel complete..
Summer '12 is a summer i'll never forget .. its the summer when i thought my life would begin with 7amany , and its the summer when my life ended..

I've learned that all guys are players and loving during your teenage years isn't actually true love becuase you're still too young and new to the world.. and a bit naive. They're just feelings that rise inside you and you're not sure whether you're in love or if its just a crush..
Let your first love be the man who knocks on your door asking for your hand in marriage. I wish i knew that back then.
But afterall i've learned to move on and never fall again for the mistakes i've done in my past.
Everyone has a past that wants to change it, but as for me.. i'm leaving it the way it is and not regretting a single thing. I always believed in this quote "Our past is what makes us stronger" and i hope it would apply to me once i'm out of the comma.. one day..

After a month, i'd be completing 3 years of being in a comma..
Three years of my life gone.. three years i'd never get back ...
But, through everything i'v gone through , i still manage to say "l7mdllah 3la kl 7al"
Never lose faith in god , because no matter how bad you think your life is , someone might have it worse than you do ... if there's no one to turn to or no one that'll listen to you, god's always there..
I'v learned not to take life for granted.. and when i do wake up from my comma.. i'll appreciate what i have , and stop complaining on every little thing ...





A month later..

Deeeet ... deeeeet ... deeeeet .... deeeeeet...

My eyes felt so heavy , they've been shut for almost 3 years ...
But .. i finally opened them ..

Mom: Yuma juuuuddeee!!! *crying* jude 7bebtii ... A7MAAAD .. FAI9AAL !!! Bntna gamat !!! jude gamaat!!! *crying*

The end ...




We poured our hearts out in this final chapter , and we really hope you like it ..

We love you all :*

-Alia&Sherifa ❤


  1. Whats gonna happen next??
    Will jude get married to jassim?

  2. AMAZING !! Ana awl mra 8reta ma ktabt Comment :( bs hathy 2nd time a8rah alstory waiid 7elwa !! Bs will she get mariied to jassem ! Pls swaw post 3n her futuer ♥

  3. Loved ur blog.

    will you check out my blog<3 thankyou
