Thursday, June 21, 2012

Chapter 7

A7mad ra7 w salam 3la 7amany w bdaw ysolfun…

I was so lost!!! I couldn't believe a7mad knows 7amany.
They were talking for about 5 minutes or so. 


Mother: wain a7mad?

Jude: ra7 esalim 3la rfeeja..

My mother farat wela etshoof 7amany… embayn ina she was shocked.. but in a good way

Mother: Hatha 7amanyy!!!:D

Jude: 7amany? Wntay sh3arfch ib rab3 a7mad?;s

Mother: Jude ma tathkreen 7amany?! Kan ib 9afch youm kntay 9'3eera w kla kntay tl3been wya.

Shnu?! Kl hal muda wana madrii ina 7amany kan my childhood friend?!  Madrii laish bs 7asa ina kan yadrii bs ma kan yabii ygul!:/ I think he wants me to find out on my own.. but how could I? how am I supposed to remember him? Ana zain mny at'thakr shnu ta'3adait ams!;p Questions were roaming my mind, I was in shock but I was happy that something like that yjm3na, so we weren't total strangers anymore…

 Jude: La walla mathkr:/

Mother: Shda3wa jude.. kanw kl sabt eyun baitna bs ba3dain safrw America winga63at akhbarhum… w tawi darait inhum rj3aw lekuwait…

Jude: Mani mt'thakra shay!

Mother: Ma 3laih, kntay 9'3eera fl 3umor…

Mother: Walla thakarteni.. bs nrja3 elbait lazm adg 3la um 7amany w na3zmhum 3al 3asha youm elsabt.. 

I had no idea why I couldn't remember him. I tried so hard to remember or have any flashbacks, but everything was blank!


La7a'6t ina jassim was staring at me w mesta'3reb min my reaction. I think he was kind of jealous w beda eshek ena bayna shay…

Jassim: Judee!! Heyy!! Shfeech mtan7a 3al walad?! 3aib!

Jude: Huuh?! Emm inzain inzain…

Jassim: Shfeech ma takleen?! Basch khaz..

Jude: Offf!! glnalk inzain!! Wint shfeek faj2a mhtam feeny?! agool filhaaa….

3yun Jassim bagigat! W tana7 feeny… mu m9adg shgltla tawa… bs e9ara7a ystahil.. y3ne ohwa shaku feeny?! Itha bakhz.. y3ne bakhz, klsh ma kan fe da3y ysawy hal 7araka elbaykha jdam klman!-.-

After a while… a7mad came and sat next to me
A7mad: Asfeen 3al ta2kheer! J
Everybody else: La 3aady, ekl gabl la yabrd elakil
Jude: akheeran sharaft! 3abaly b3d btru7 elbait wya;p (I started teasing him)
A7mad: Walla fkra! Yallaa bye ana mashii ;p 
Jude: La walla?!
A7mad: at'3ashmar yuba! Shfeech 9adagtay?;p walla inch 9aida…
Jude:Ana el9aida?! Mashii a7mdo, ana a3lmk fl bait…. (giving him and evil smile)
Everybody started laughing at us..
Mother: Magltly a7mad.. shlon 7amany?
A7mad: walla tamam.. 9arlhum sbou3ain raj3een lekuwait..
Jude: Et3arfa?;s
A7mad: La walla ma3arfa, gmt w salamt 3laih chthee……. y3ne shraych?-.-
Jude: Waaay y3ne gooool mu ila tsta3b6!!
A7mad: Madrii 3anch! Sh'hal su2al?-.-
Jude: waay chub bs!-.-
W kal 3ada Jassim raz wayha baina w 3alaq….. J
Jassim: Hew intw.. Baskum hwash.. e7na yayeen 3shan n7tfl mu nt'hawash!
A7mad: Khala9 bnaskat! Bs la tz3al yal 3a9aby!;p (teasing him)
Jassim started laughing… 
Jassim: inshallah elmara elyaya enyee 7g takharoj jude (A wide smile was plastered on his face)
Jude: Hehe.. inshallah


I wanted to know more about 7amany. I needed to know more about 7amany! What was the relationship that both our families had? Lish kl sabt kanw yityam3un 3ndna? And most importantly… why I can't remember him!

Everyone was chatting and enjoying their time.. I faked a smile here and there.. and that's pretty much how the night went by…




I got home.. 9a3adt darii and wore my pj's….. I decided to call mai to sleepover at my house, and thank god she agreed! I needed someone to talk to… desperately!




Jude: wainch?!

Mai: yalla ana bara!

Jude: thwany wakun 3ndch!

We went to my room, and I gave her one of my pj's to wear.. We thought it would be fun to watch a movie and just talk all night <3

Jude: Mai, shraych a6al3 albomat ayam elementary?:)

Mai: Eeeee yalla yeebehom khan nth7ak shway!

Jude: okk;p dgeega…

I came back to my bedroom with a handful of albums … childhood memories
We went through the pictures and had some laughs..

Mai: et9adgen twni ala7th iny knt a7la mnch… walla 7adi ashawg;p

Jude: La walla? Agooool la t9adgeeen 3umrch bss ;p
Mai: hahahah;p Ambaaay jude!! Mnu hal walad ily yamch bl 9oora?! Eshawiiiiggg!!! Maaal 3aath khdooooood….

Mai tends to overreact when seeing a cute child ;p

Jude: wain? 3a6eny khaleny ashooof!! (I was sooo impatient! Could this be 7amany?!)

Mai: inzain inzain… shfeech msta3yla?? ;p

Jude: yalllaaa bashooof!!:( (I pleaded)

She handed over the picture… it was the cutest picture I have ever seen, and on the back of the photo it said.. "Jude's 7 birthday party"
A little boy was handing me a white flower… I had a baby pink dress on with a birthday hat.. while the little boy had the cutest little shorts on and a "ninja turtles shirt" . The picture was priceless.. adorable!

Mai: Jude shfeech tana7tay 3al 9oora?!;s

Jude: hal walad!

Mai: shfeeh?? Ta7achay!!

Jude: hal walad nafsa ily shftyy kan g3d y7acheny bara el7amam.. tithakarty?

Mai: E tithakart! Bs intay shdarach?

Jude: ilyoum shfa bl ma63am.. a7mad gam salam 3laih w omy 7aail stanisat youm shafta!

Mai: ohhh!! Y3ne t3arfena?

Jude: Laaa hathi elmshkla! Omy tguly youm kna 9'3ar kan dayman yl3ab wyay w kl sabt kanw yzuruna… Wana mani mt'thakra shay! Wala shay!!:@

Mai: Inzain al7een shbtsaween?

Jude: Omy ibta3zmhum 3al 3asha youm elsabt… fa itha biyee ra7 as2la..

Mai: Waaaay jude lail7en mani m9adga! 9j lekuwait 9'3eeera w klha 9daaf!

Jude: you can say that again!

We spent the night watching movies… but all I could think about was 7amany! It was annoying how I keep thinking about him, I wanted to stop but I cant!:(

It then finally hit me… Jude? Are you falling for him? 


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